Saturday, April 16, 2016

Back Squats (3 second pause) 5x3
Sled 5x2 (AHAP)

B) Logan's Bday Wod (He said he loves cleans & push Presses)
"Grace" + 26 Birthday Buprees over bar for time.
30 Clean & Jerks 135/95
26 Birthday Burpees over bar

Push Jerks 5x4
Ring Rows (Flat as Possible) 5x8

B) "Teams of "3" 2 work at a time; one on the row/double unders and the other on the "Lift", 1 person takes break. Can not move on to the next movement til all Row, DU's and/or lift is completed in that given line.

100 Cal Row, 100 Deadlifts 135/95
80 Double Unders, 80 Hang Power Cleans
60 Cal Row, 60 Front Squats
40 Double Unders, 40 Shoulder to Over head
20 Cal Row, 20 Thrusters

Snatch 5x3 Hang Power Snatch, & one from the ground =1rep

Thoracic Mobility

B) "Barbara"
5 Rounds for time
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Bench Press 5x5
Farmer Carry 4x100m (AHAP)

odd: 10 HSPU
Even: 8 (Full w/squat) Hang Cleans 95/65

C) "Annie"
50, 40, 30, 20, 10
Double Unders
(Singles can double the reps)
Sit Ups

Over Head Walking Lunges with Plate 45/35 or AHAP 5x25 feet.
Single Leg KB Deadlifts 5x5 (each Leg)

B) For time
50 Snatches 95/65
E2MOM 8 chest to bar pull ups

Saturday (Max out Saturdays)
20 minutes to Max out/PR a lift of your choice, if you do not know one, the coach can assign you a lift to do.

Odd: 3 Heavy High Clean Pulls + 20 Double Unders
Even: 15 Wall Balls 20/14

Sunday Service in the South Bay
2 Hours of Crossfit

"WOD 1" at The Crossfit Fontana Interbox Friendly

Teams of 4
WOD 1 - 10 minute cap a version of 16.1

25 ft overhead walking lunges with a plate (Rx 45/35, Mod 25/15), 8 burpees facing bar

25 ft overhead walking lunges with a plate (Rx 45/35, Mod 25/15), 8 pull ups (Mod use blue band)

Relay, one athlete working out at a time. Athlete 1 begins with the lunge then 8 pullups then tags athlete 2, who is already waiting at the end of the 25 feet. Athlete 2 does the walking lunges and 8 burpees. Tags athlete 3 who does the walking lunges and 8 pull ups. Tags athlete 1 who does the walking lunges and 8 burpees. Tags athlete 4 who does the walking lunges and 8 pull ups. This continues until everyone until every athlete has completed two sets of lunges/burpees and two sets of lunges/pull ups. Note that the burpees and the pull ups happen on opposite ends of the 25 feet.

B) For time
100m Run
21 Thrusters 95/65
4 rope climbs (legless if possible)
200m Run
15 Thrusters 115/75
3 Rope Climbs
400m Run
9 Thrusters 135/85
2 rope climbs

C) Bro Session
"Bi's & Tri's"

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