Sunday, February 28, 2016

Today was awesome guys. Great work to everyone who helped out. I want next Saturday to be even better. If there are any local vendors you know who can benefit from the exposure to our clientele and bring a good value to them let me know so we can have them for next Saturday at our box.

Snatch 3x1 @up to 60-70%
5x1 up to 85%
3x1 up to 75-80%

B) 3 RFT
15 Deadlifts 135/95
30 Wall Balls
60 Double Unders (150 Singles)

C) Back Squats 2x10

3 RFT Teams of 2 relay
300m Row
200m Run
15 Ball Slams 30/20
15 Box Jumps 24/20

B) EMOM 10
Odd 10 TTB
Even: 10 Thrusters 95/65

C) Bench Press 3x8
Chin ups 3x6

Power Clean
3x3 of 3 Position Power Cleans Work your way up.
Pos 1: High Hang (Pockets)
Pos 2: Hang Above Knee
Pos 3: Mid Shin/Ground if plates

B) EMOM 10
Odd: 1 Power Clean & Jerk @70% of ORM
10 Double Unders (20 Singles)
Even: Cal Row 18/15

2 KB Snatches/KB Pulls who don't have the KB Snatch yet (1 each side always alternating). 53/35
1Shuttle run
4 KB Snatches
2Shuttle Runs
KB Snatches always go up by 2 and shuttle run always goes up by 1.til 6 Min is done.

Front Squats 5x4
Hamstring Curls (Med Ball) 4x5

B) EMOM 18
Minute 1: 200m Run
Minute 2: Cal Row 15/12
Minute 3: 5 Power Cleans 135/95 plus 15 Double Unders

25 Burpees
400m Run
20 Sit Ups
200m Run w/one kettle bell 53/35 only one hand at a time equal distance.
15 Pull ups
400m Med Ball Run
10 Wall Balls

B) Strategy & Go Over Skills of 16.2

C). 1 RFT
21 Cal Row
30 KB Swings 53/35
15 Hand Stand Push ups
30 KB Swings
21 Cal Row

D Mobility

16.2 To Be Determined 9am-?

Sunday Service 9-11am 2 hours of Crossfit.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Current Schedule Effective Feb 22, 2016  This Schedule will change again in 5 weeks when "The Open" team series has concluded

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Crossfit
630 Crossfit
730 Boot Camp/Crossfit Endurance

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Boot Camp/Functional Movement
630 Crossfit
730 Crossfit

 5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Crossfit
630 Crossfit
730 Boot Camp/Crossfit Endurance

 5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Boot Camp/Functional Movement
630 Crossfit (Open WOD will be ran at 630/730 pm)
730 Crossfit (Open WOD will be ran at 630/730 pm)

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Crossfit

9am-1130am'ish/til the last heat  "The Open" Team Series.

Sunday Service South Bay
9am-11am 2 hours of Crossfit

We are Preparing even more so for the open.  Starting to use mostly movements you're more likely to see in the open.  Friday we will spend some time on Strategy and Mobility, some light skill, and conditioning.

Thursday at 630/730pm classes only we will do the "Open Wods" for those who want to do a dry run before Saturday's Official Day.  Most folks usually do it better the second time around. 

Monday :
30 Burpee Bar Touches
Max Rep Snatches 75/55
Rest 4 Minutes
20 Burpees Over Bar
Max Rep Snatches 105/75
Rest 4 min.
10 Burpees
Max Rep Snatches 135/95

B) Back Squat 5x3

Tuesday :
10x1 of C&J Complex (AHAP)
1 Power Clean
1 Above Knee Hang Squat Clean
1 Shoulder 2 OH

3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 By 3's as High as Poss.
Thrusters 95/65

15, 12, 9
Power Cleans 155/105
Push Jerks

B) EMOM 20 (Partner with same strength/ability and alternate Movements)
odd 5 Deadlifts (add weight every round)
Even 15 Box Jumps 24/20

C) 50 Strict Hand Stand Push Ups for time 8 Min.Cap
Snatch 5x3 TNG
(Double Unders Work in between Sets)

B) Teams of 3 (One works at a time) (AMRAP 25)
100 Cal Row
50 Shoulder to OH 75/45
100 Cal Row
50 STOH 95/65
100 Cal Row
50 STOH 115/65
100 Cal Row
Max Reps Ground to Overhead 135/65

5 Min Amrap
100 Double Unders Then
Max Wall Balls

B) Review Movements for 16.1 and Strategy.

C)11 Min Cap
400m Run Buy in then....
21, 15, 9 of
Kettle Bell Swings (American) 61/44
Sit Ups

D) Mobility/Corrective Exercise

Sunday, February 14, 2016

C&J 135/95

B) For 10 Minutes (Work on 3 position Snatch with squat for those who can. AHAP)
Pos 1: Hips
Pos 2: Just above Knee
Pos 3: Mid Shin/From the ground.

C) Front Squat 4x5 Work your way up in weight.

Tuesday (Teams of 2 Relay style both do ALL Reps)
50 Cal Row
40 Deadlifts 155/105
30 Box Jumps 24/20
20 Front Squats
B) 3 RFT
15 Wall Balls
50 DU's (150 Singles)
15 Wall Balls
2 min. forced rest in between rounds.

C&J Complex 10x3-position squat clean + jerk Increase weight as you go.
pos2-Just above knee
pos3-Fro the ground

B) Teams of '3'
7-min. amrap
50 Back squats 155/105
50 back squats 205/145
Back Squat with remaining time at 245/165
(one team mate works at a time off the rack)

C) Amrap 7
10 Thrusters 95/65
5 Bupees over Bar
10 Snatches
5 Burpees over bar.

Bench Press 5x3
KB High Pulls 5x5(each side from just below the knee)
4x30 sec Max effort on Air dyne

B) 4 Rounds for time
400m run
10 box jumps 30/24
20 Sit ups
30 Walking Lunges (KBs 44/26)

Friday Teams of 2 (One works at a time to combine to achieve reps)
60 Cal Row
50 TTB
40 WB 20/14
30 Power Cleans 135/95
20 Dips
10 Pullups (Or 20 Muscle ups in lieu of dips/pullups)

B) Mobility
Happy Valentine's Day Crossfit Lomita Fam!!! Consolidated Schedule tomorrow Celebrating Presidents Day!!! Open Gym from 11am-2pm only tomorrow. Regular Schedule starting Tuesday.
5am boot Camp
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
430 Crossfit
530 Crossfit

Please pass the word along if you planned on coming later.

Monday, February 8, 2016

5 min max reps Burpee Box jump Overs 24/20
5 min rest
4 rounds 30 sec of work:30 Sec of rest Shuttle run Must flip cones
4 min of rest
3 Min of Max Power Cleans 135/95 (or Kettle Bell swings if new)
3 min of rest
2 min of Max Wall Balls 20/14
2min rest
1 min of max unbroken C2B Pullups

B) Snatch 1st pull 4x3
Snatch 2nd pull 4x2
Snatch (w/squat) 4x1
Super Set. (This is more about skill those who are ready to go up in weight can/should).
Thrusters 95/65
Cal Row
B) Bench Press 5x4
Bent Over Rows 5x8
(If not enough rowers do in Heats and have the RX go first and scaled do strenght/part B first)
Over Head Squats 5x5
(Superset with Thoracic Mobility)
10 OH Squats 95/65
10 TTB
"The Crossfit Total"
Max Dead-lift,
Shoulder to Over-Head,
Back Squat
(Short Conditioning wod Coaches discretion time permitting)
5x3 Clean
5x6 (total) KB Bulgarian Squats.
5 Power Cleans 155/105
10 Box Jumps 24/20
15 wall balls 20/14