Saturday, July 30, 2016

Lots of PRs this week. Good job everyone!

Go Over the Clean and Front Squat in Detail,
(Experienced members may do above for strength at 5x5)

B) "Angel's Bday Wod"
1000m Run (Dead end and back) then 2 rounds of,
29 Pull Ups
26 Thrusters 115/75
20 Wall Balls 20/14

Go Over the Deadlift and Hang Power Clean in detail. (Experienced members may do 5x5 Deadlifts)

B) "Ilyanne Mendez' bday wod"

26 Birthday Box Jump buy in
21,Hang Power Cleans 115/75, 21 Burpees over bar, 100 Double Unders,
15, HPC, 15 Burpees over Bar, 75 DU's
9, HPC, 9 Burpees over Bar 50 DU's
Cash out 200m Farmer Carry 61/44

Go Over Kettle Bell Swing, and in Detail about hang power Snatch.
(Experienced members can Work on Snatch Balance 5x5)

B)Meg Hocking's Bday wod
21-15-9 for time
KB swings (53/35)
Double unders

Review Clean and get into detail about Split Jerk.
Go Over Toes to bar and kipping for those variations

B) Tabata (8 rounds total)
Front Squats 115/80

Go Over all movements of FGB in detail.
(experienced members may work on 5x2 Strict press)

B) "Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds of max reps
1 min of Wall Balls 20/14
SDHP 75/55
Box Jumps 24/20
Push Press 75/55
Cal Row
Rest and think about your life

Max Out Saturday

B) Team/Partner wod one works at a time.
50 TTB
50 cal row
25 Squat Snatches 115/80
80 Cal Row
25 Squat Snatches
50 Cal Row
50 TTB

1 Power Clean
3 Front Squats
1 Jerk

B) Dave Castro Challenge
2 deadlifts 315/205
20 Double Unders
Must finish under :57seconds

C) "Diane"
Deadlift and HSPU
21, 15, 9

D) 5 Rounds for time
15 Pull ups,
30 sec Goblet squat hold 35/18 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Back to Normal Summer Schedule This week

Congratulations to the games winners. If you didn't know, Katrin Katrín Tanja Davíðsdóttir's coach is Ben Bergeron of New England CF. We use his Template and Programming/training to do the programming for the gym. Occasionally we deviate a bit to recognize birthdays in the gym (birthday wods), and to better taylor to our clientele. Katrin has now won 2 years in a row. At the end of the day you need to show up and do the work in order to improve your over all fitness. I look forward to seing you all this week:)!!!

Back Squat 5x2
Kb Single Leg Deadlifts 5x8(each leg)
B) Crossfit Games event 3
(The Ranch Mini Chipper)
50 Wall Balls 20/14
25 Med Ball Sit Ups
800m Med Ball Run

1 Snatch 1st pull
2 Hang Snatch High Pulls
1 Power Snatch
3 Over Head Squats

B) Ricthie's Bday wod
35 Burpee Box Jumps
35 Cleans (Full) 125/85
35 Pull Ups
35 Shoulder to Overhead

Bench Press (Wide Grip)
(work on Double Unders Between sets)

B) "The Seperator"
Event 9'ish of the Crossfit Games
18 Ring Push ups
15 Back Squats 155/115
20 Burpees
15 Ring Push Ups
18 Front Squats 135/95
20 Burpees
12 Ring Push Ups
21 OH Squats 95/65
20 Burpees

Thrusters 5x4
L hang 5xcumilitive 45 sec hold (20 for newbies)
B) Event 10 CF Games "100%'ish"
40 box jump overs 24/20
50 Toss the Salad (dball toss) 30/20 (slam balls)

Back Rack Lunges
5x6 each/leg
EVIL Wheels 5x5

B) Partner/Team Relay version of Event 14
"Rope Chipper"
200 m Row
50 DU's (150 Singles)
200m Row
50 DU's
400m Run
50 DU's
200m Row
50 Du's
20 Deadlifts 185/125

Max Out Saturdays
B) Event 6 CF Games'ish
"Squat Clean Pyramid"
10 Cleans 135/85
8 Cleans 155/95
6 Cleans 175/105
4 Cleans 195/115
2 Cleans 215/125

Sunday Service South Bay
2 Hours of Working out

B)400m Run
then 4 rd of 10 Power Snatches 115/75, 30 Box Jumps
cash out 400m run

C) "California Club" Event 1 of Teens/Masters CF Games
8 Deadlifts 275/185
40 GHD Sit Ups
80 Double Unders (150 Singles)
4 rope climbs
80 Wall ball shots
4 Rope Climbs
80 DUs
40 GHD Sit Ups
8 DLs

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The week of the Crossfit Games!!!!

 This week only the drop in fee will be $10 or buy a shirt. Games athletes and their immediate family members may workout for free. We already had one games athlete come in today from North Carolina and another will be coming tomorrow/Monday at 9am. Anything we can do to help our Greater Crossfit Folks from around the world.  Feel welcome to join us:)!  NO SUNDAY CLASS THIS WEEK (Enjoy the games Finals)!!!!

Back Squat 5x5
KB Bulgarian Split Squat 5x6(each leg)

B) Nataly Cardenas's Bday wod
23-16-7 of
Front Racked Lunges 95/65
Pull ups
Sit ups (plate 25/15)

Push Press 5x5
B) "Feel the Berm'ish" event 3 Masters/teens
4 RFT/20min hard Cap
600m Run (medball 20/14)
20 Burpee Box Jumps 24/14

Snatches Balance 5x5

B) "Adios Amigos" event 2 masters
12, 9, 6, of
ascending snatches (full)105/75, 125/85, 145/95
9, 4, 2
Muscle ups Bar/ring or ring dips.

Bench Press

B)"Deuce-Deuce" Event 4 Masters/Teens
22 Toes to Bar
22 Clean & Jerks 135/95
200m Sprint
for time.

Event 5 Masters/Teens
Max Squat Clean

B) Event 6 Masters/Teens "D-Ball Triplet" w/out the Dballs
3 Rounds for time
12 Thrusters 115/80
6 Bar Muscle ups (12 Pull ups Scaled)
12 Med Ball Cleans 20/14

Max Out Saturdays Pick a Lift and Max it out/PR or simply do Volume work if you're not sure of the lift you want/need to do please ask the coach!

B)2012 Event 8 "Team Chipper"
Relay Style teams of at least 2.
30 Sit Ups (GHD if Possible)
30 Deadlifts 225/155
30 Double Unders (100 Singles)
30 OH Squats 95/65
30 Pull Ups

NO SUNDAY SERVICE this week. Go to the Crossfit Games Finals!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Find your Pokemon at Crossfit Lomita or at the very least get in a great workout

Monday we kick off the week with a crowd Favorite; "Randy"  both because of Randy Osborne's bday, and because of the tragedy in Dallas.  We honor falen LAPD veteran "Randy" Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member was killed in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons' wife and two children.

Our Beach wod was absolutely amazing!!!!!!! We had a bout 50 people there. Was truly awesome!!!  Can't wait to do it again!  

Over Head Squats

75 Power Snatches for time 75/55

Bench Press 5x5
Bent over Rows 5x8

B) "Non Solus" In honor of Sheriff K9 Igor.
aka Honoring Troy's bday with his request for a K9 hero wod.
10 OHS 135/95
20 Burpees over bar
40 Wall Balls
60 Cal Row
80 Sit Ups
100 DU's/300 Singles

Find one rep Max

B) 4 RFT
12 Deadlifts 205/145
12 Burpees
12 KBS 70/53
12 Wall Balls

Strict Press
Find 1 Rep Max

400m Run
9 Thrusters 115/85

Back Squat 5x3
Sled 5x2

5 Clean & Jerks 115/95
10 Pull Ups

Max Out Saturday!!!!
Pick a Lift and max out/PR

B) Ashley Lewis's Bday wod
30 DU's (100 Singles)
30 Box Jump Overs
30 Power Snatches 95/65
30 OH Lunges
30 Sumo DL HP
30 DU's

Sunday Service South Bay
Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Snatch Balance +1 OHS

B) 3x10 Pause Back Squats

C) "Jackie"
1000m Row
50 Thrusters #45
30 Pull Ups

D)Bro Session

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Sumertime Schedule 2016. A couple of tweaks may still come based on Demand.

Current Schedule Effective July5, 2016 "Summer Schedule".  In an effort to better concentrate/consolidate the energy in the weekend classes we have adapted to the demand and feedback given by members.  Monday-Thursday remain the same.  Friday, Saturday and Sunday have been tweaked.  Please note if you plan on coming any of those days.  

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Crossfit
630 Crossfit
730 Boot Camp/Crossfit Endurance

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Boot Camp/Functional Movement/Kettle Bell
630 Crossfit
730 Crossfit

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Crossfit
630 Crossfit
730 Boot Camp/Crossfit Endurance

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Boot Camp/Functional Movement/Kettle Bell
630 Crossfit
730 Crossfit

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-1230pm open Gym
430 Crossfit Competitors Training (Intermediate to Advanced Crossfit)
530 Crossfit
630 Crossfit

10am Crossfit
11am-12noon Open Gym

Sunday Service South Bay
10am-12am 2 hours of Crossfit

Join our facebook group as Random Open Gym times do happen and may be posted by Staff.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Beach wod happening this coming Sunday the 10th at 10am avenue G. Redondo Beach

5 rounds not for time
10 Strict Pull ups
10 Back Squats

B) 21, 15, 9
Deadlifts 225/155
Box Jumps 24/20

4x10 Front Squats
4x10 Push Presses

B) Partner WOD
KB Thrusters 44/26
21, 18,15,9,6,3
Cal Row

EMOM 10 Clean & Split Jerk

B) Rebecca's bday wod
26 Over Head Lunges 85/55
26 Double Unders(75 Singles)
26 push presses 95/65
26 Sit Ups
26 Cleans 115/85

Hang Squat Snatch

B) 5 Rounds for time
50 Double Unders (100 Singles)
15 Med Ball Cleans 20/14
15 Burpees
100m Run
forced 1 minute of rest

Max Out Saturday!!!!

B)20 min AMRAP
15 C&J 95/65
15 115/75
15 135/95
15 155/105
15 165/115
15 175/125
15 185/135

Sunday BEACH WOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 am Avenue G. Redondo Beach

Over Head Squats
B) "Randy"
75 Power Snatches for time 75/55