Monday, April 25, 2016

Back squats 5x2
Hamstring curls 5x5

"Coach Brandon Villalobos' bday wod"
400m run
35 ball slams 30/20
35 deadlifts 115/75
35 push press
400m run
35 pull ups
35 HR push ups
35 walking lunges (total)
400m run

Power snatch 5x5
Evil wheels 5x3

B) for time
30 bar facing burpees
200m run
15 power snatches 115/75
400m run
15 power snatches
200m run
30 bar facing burpees

Front squat 5x3
Hand stand hold 5x30 sec

B). For time
400m run
25 HR push ups
400m run
25 KBS American 61/44
400m run
25 flutter kicks (each leg)
400m run
25 supermans
400m run
25 double unders
400m run
25 box jumps 24/20

Push jerks 5x3
Pull ups 5x3 (weighted where poss)

B) teams of two relay
50 cal row
40 front squats 135/95
30 ttb
20 push jerks
10 bar muscle ups (10 pull ups, 10 ring dips).
Friday "the other total"
1rm for clean,bench press, and oh squat

B) hspu skill/stamina
1 strict hspu
2 Kipping hspu
Every :30 for 10 min.

Saturday (max out Saturdays)
Pick a lift to max out on/pr.

B). Masters qualifier 16.3
55 bar facing burpees
34 OH squats 95/65
21 muscle ups.

Sunday service South Bay!
"Wod 2 at the Crossfit Fontana Interbox friendly. The work is divided up.
13 minute cap a version of 16.4
55 deadlifts (Rx 225/155, Mod 175, 115)
55 wall balls (Rx 20/14, Mod 16/10)
55 cal row
55 hand stand push ups (Mod hand release)
Tag out anytime. Only one will be working out at a time, but they can tag out for another athlete to come in at anytime regardless of where in the count they are. We will only be counting the 55 reps not paying attention to any athlete order or the number of reps each athlete performs. You have complete autonomy of who does what and how many.

B) wod 2 today is WOD 3 at the
10 min AMRAP immediately followed by WOD 4 – 5 min AMRAP a version of 16.2 and 16.3 25 toes to bar (Mod knees higher than the hip cress)
50 double unders (Mod singles)
15 squat cleans (Rx 135/85, Mod 95/55)
One athlete will perform one movement with total reps. Athlete 1 does all 25 toes to bar. Athlete 2 does 50 double unders. Athlete 3 does 15 squat cleans. One round is done. Athlete 4 does 25 toes to bar. Athlete 1 does 50 double unders. Athlete 2 does 15 squat cleans. Second round is done. And so on.
Time is called and athletes will take off the weight on the barbells with the running clock into the next workout.
10 power snatches (Rx 75/55, Mod 45/35)
3 bar muscle ups (Rx two points for completed muscle up, one point for getting both elbows on top of the bar. Mod ring dips with a blue band)
Each athlete will perform both movements to count as one round.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Those planning on doing the Competition on May the 7th at Crossfit Fontana. We will be doing wod 1 this coming Sunday. Sunday Service at 9am will look like this on Sunday.

WOD1: 1 rep Max Deadlift (Event 2 of the Masters Qualifier)

WOD2 is:  "WOD 1" at The Crossfit Fontana Interbox Friendly

Teams of 4
10 minute cap a version of 16.1

25 ft overhead walking lunges with a plate (Rx 45/35, Mod 25/15), 8 burpees facing bar

25 ft overhead walking lunges with a plate (Rx 45/35, Mod 25/15), 8 pull ups (Mod use blue band)

Relay, one athlete working out at a time. Athlete 1 begins with the lunge then 8 pullups then tags athlete 2, who is already waiting at the end of the 25 feet. Athlete 2 does the walking lunges and 8 burpees. Tags athlete 3 who does the walking lunges and 8 pull ups. Tags athlete 1 who does the walking lunges and 8 burpees. Tags athlete 4 who does the walking lunges and 8 pull ups. This continues until everyone until every athlete has completed two sets of lunges/burpees and two sets of lunges/pull ups. Note that the burpees and the pull ups happen on opposite ends of the 25 feet.

WOD 3 is the "EVENT 1 Masters Qualifier"
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Row for calories

WOD 4 will be a Bro session accessory Strength work.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Back Squats (3 second pause) 5x3
Sled 5x2 (AHAP)

B) Logan's Bday Wod (He said he loves cleans & push Presses)
"Grace" + 26 Birthday Buprees over bar for time.
30 Clean & Jerks 135/95
26 Birthday Burpees over bar

Push Jerks 5x4
Ring Rows (Flat as Possible) 5x8

B) "Teams of "3" 2 work at a time; one on the row/double unders and the other on the "Lift", 1 person takes break. Can not move on to the next movement til all Row, DU's and/or lift is completed in that given line.

100 Cal Row, 100 Deadlifts 135/95
80 Double Unders, 80 Hang Power Cleans
60 Cal Row, 60 Front Squats
40 Double Unders, 40 Shoulder to Over head
20 Cal Row, 20 Thrusters

Snatch 5x3 Hang Power Snatch, & one from the ground =1rep

Thoracic Mobility

B) "Barbara"
5 Rounds for time
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

Bench Press 5x5
Farmer Carry 4x100m (AHAP)

odd: 10 HSPU
Even: 8 (Full w/squat) Hang Cleans 95/65

C) "Annie"
50, 40, 30, 20, 10
Double Unders
(Singles can double the reps)
Sit Ups

Over Head Walking Lunges with Plate 45/35 or AHAP 5x25 feet.
Single Leg KB Deadlifts 5x5 (each Leg)

B) For time
50 Snatches 95/65
E2MOM 8 chest to bar pull ups

Saturday (Max out Saturdays)
20 minutes to Max out/PR a lift of your choice, if you do not know one, the coach can assign you a lift to do.

Odd: 3 Heavy High Clean Pulls + 20 Double Unders
Even: 15 Wall Balls 20/14

Sunday Service in the South Bay
2 Hours of Crossfit

"WOD 1" at The Crossfit Fontana Interbox Friendly

Teams of 4
WOD 1 - 10 minute cap a version of 16.1

25 ft overhead walking lunges with a plate (Rx 45/35, Mod 25/15), 8 burpees facing bar

25 ft overhead walking lunges with a plate (Rx 45/35, Mod 25/15), 8 pull ups (Mod use blue band)

Relay, one athlete working out at a time. Athlete 1 begins with the lunge then 8 pullups then tags athlete 2, who is already waiting at the end of the 25 feet. Athlete 2 does the walking lunges and 8 burpees. Tags athlete 3 who does the walking lunges and 8 pull ups. Tags athlete 1 who does the walking lunges and 8 burpees. Tags athlete 4 who does the walking lunges and 8 pull ups. This continues until everyone until every athlete has completed two sets of lunges/burpees and two sets of lunges/pull ups. Note that the burpees and the pull ups happen on opposite ends of the 25 feet.

B) For time
100m Run
21 Thrusters 95/65
4 rope climbs (legless if possible)
200m Run
15 Thrusters 115/75
3 Rope Climbs
400m Run
9 Thrusters 135/85
2 rope climbs

C) Bro Session
"Bi's & Tri's"

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Revised Schedule as of 4/10/16

Current Schedule Effective April, 10 2016  Due to popular demand the Friday 630pm class has been reinstated, and also be advised of Coach Luis's Technique/Mobility class on Sundays at 1pm.

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Crossfit
630 Crossfit
730 Boot Camp/Crossfit Endurance

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Boot Camp/Functional Movement
630 Crossfit
730 Crossfit

 5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Crossfit
630 Crossfit
730 Boot Camp/Crossfit Endurance

 5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Boot Camp/Functional Movement
630 Crossfit
730 Crossfit

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Crossfit

9am Crossfit
10am-12noon Open Gym

Sunday Service South Bay
9am-11am 2 hours of Crossfit
11-12Noon Open Gym
1pm Technique/Mobility Class with Coach Luis.

1 hero wod and two girl wods this week.

Wods subject to change.

2 Snatch @ 75% (Full for those that can, newer folks can add an overhead squat)

B)AMRAP 10 of
200m Farmer Carry 61/44
100m Walking Lunge
30/20 sec Hand Stand
rest 1 minute.......then
Amrap 10 of
10 sumo deadlift 95/65
10 wall balls 20/14

MIN 1. 3 Power Cleans @ 50-60%
MIN 2. 5 Back Squats @ 50-60%
MIN 3. 8 Pull ups (Chest to Bar for those who can)
etc...... for 15 Min.

B) Teams of 3 "1" works at a time
75 Burpees Over Bar
150 Cal Row
100 Box Jumps 24/20
75 C&J 135/95
15 rope climbs

Front Squat 5x2
Romanian Deadlifts 5x5

B. "Flirty Thirty"
30 air Squats
30 Pull Ups
30 KB Swings 61/44
30 front Squats 115/80
30 toes to bar
30 Push Press
30 Sit Ups
30 Wall Balls 20/14
30 Burpees over bar
30 Double Unders (100 singles)

21, 15, 9 of
hang power cleans 125/75, not for time
but must rest atleast 1 min between sets.

B) "JT" Hero Wod
21, 15, 9 of
Hand Stand Push Ups
Ring Dips
HR Push Ups

C) 3 RFT of
21 Sit ups (GHD for Competitors/advanced)
15 Cal Row
9 Box Step overs with Plate 45/25
Deadlifts 5x4
Back Rack Lunges 4x8(each Leg)

B. "Lynne"
5 rounds Not for time, but 20 Minute Cap
Max Reps Bench Press Body weight/75% of body weight
Max Pull Ups by any means chin over bar

"Max out Saturday"
Pick a lift of your choice and get 20-25 minutes to PR it
(one can be assigned to you or a different rep scheme if a max lift is deemed not appropriate for you at this time by the coach)

B) EMOM 10
odd 10 Thrusters 95/65
even 10 Toes to Bar

Sunday Service South Bay
with Running Clock..
Muscle Ups
Squat Snatches 135/95
at the 10 minute mark.........then...

B) establish 3RM OHS from Rack
at the 15 Minute Mark for time......

C) 1 round of
100 DUs (200 Singles)
50 air squats
25 Push Press 95/65
then 2 rounds of......
60 DU's
30 air squats
15 Push press
then 3 rounds of
40 double unders
20 Air Squats
10 Push Press

B) Bro session.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Thursday and Friday this week have been revised in accordance with celebrating Mandi's Birthday Wod:)!!!!!  Happy Bday Mandi!!!!!  Thanks for all you do for us!

Shoulder to Over Head 5x5
100m Farmer Carry AHAPx4
"Mandi's Bday Wod"
80 Double Unders (200 Singles)
then 4RFT of....
8 Deadlifts 225/155
36 Wall Balls 20/14
.....The Cash out 80 DU's

"Testing Friday"
10 Min to Max Box Jump
3 chances to Max Broad Jump
3 chances to 12meter sprint

10 Shoulder to Over Head 135/95
20 Pull Ups
30 HR Push Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Double Unders (150 Singles)

"Max out Saturdays" now Starting
Athletes choice Pick a lift you want to PR on/Max out
B) 800m Run
50 Wall Balls
40 Sit Ups
30 Cal Row
20 Snatches 115/75
10 Bar Facing Burpees

Sunday Service
2 Cleans at 75% of ORM

B) AMRAP 10 of
200m Farmer Carry 61/44
100m Walking Lunge
1 Min total Hand Stand Hold
2 min. rest then
10 min AMRAP of
9 SDLHP 95/65
12 Wall Balls 20/14
forced rest :30 every round

C) Bro Session

Saturday, April 2, 2016

This week's wods 4/3-4/10

Sunday Service South Bay
15 minutes to Build to a heavy set of 2 Power Snatches

B) EMOM 12
Odd Minutes 3 Power Snatches @75% of where you left off above
Even Min: 40 Double Unders

C) 30 Hang Power Cleans 115/75
15 Ring Dips
3 Rope Climbs
2min of forced rest then 2 rounds of....
20 Hang Power Cleans
10 Ring Dips
2 Rope Climbs
1Min of Rest then 3 rounds of......
10 Hang Power Cleans
5 Ring Dips
1 Rope Climb \

D) Bro Session

Snatch 5x3
Thoracic Mobility between Sets

400m Run
15 OH Squats 95/65

Clean 5x5
Push Press 5x3

B) "Regionals 15.6"
25 Cal Row
16 C2B Pull Ups
9 Strict HSPU

Front Racked Lunges 5x8 each leg
Goblet Squats 5x12

B) "Partner wod" 1 works a round at a time
15 Cal Row
10 Front Squats 115/75
5 Burpee Over bar

Back Squat w/3 second pause 5x2
100m Farmer Carry AHAPx4

10 Shoulder to Over Head 135/95
20 Pull Ups
30 HR Push Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Air Squats

"Testing Friday"
10 Min to Max Box Jump
3 chances to Max Broad Jump
3 chances to 12meter sprint

Odd 5 Deadlifts @ 75-85% of ORM
Even 50 Double Unders

"Max out Saturdays" now Starting
Athletes choice Pick a lift you want to PR on/Max out every Saturday or one can be assigned to you.

B) 800m Run
50 Wall Balls
40 Sit Ups
30 Cal Row
20 Snatches 115/75
10 Bar Facing Burpees

Sunday Service
2 Cleans at 75% of ORM

B) AMRAP 10 of
200m Farmer Carry 61/44
100m Walking Lunge
1 Min total Hand Stand Hold
2 min. rest then
10 min AMRAP of
9 SDLHP 95/65
12 Wall Balls 20/14
forced rest :30 every round

C) Bro Session