Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Labor day Wod "Eva"

Monday/Labour Day
Crossfit & Bootcamp
"Eva" 5RFT
800m Run
30 KBS (american) 53/35
30 Pullups

B) Optional for after the wod/open gym
odd 2-3 Power Snatches @75% of ORM
Even 2-3 Power C&J @75% of ORM

Tuesday 9/6
With Running Clock
Min 0-10
"Ryan's Bday wod"
5Rounds for time
10 Power Snatches 75/55
15 Wall Balls 20/14
 @min 10
3 Rounds FT
15 Power Snatches 95/65
10 Wall Balls 20/14
@min 20
25 Power Snatches 115/80
25 Wall Balls

B) Front Squat

Wednesday 9/7
Push Jerks

30 Deadlifts 135/95
20 Front Squats
10 Power Cleans

Cash out 50 Pull ups

Thursday 9/8
25min cap....
1 Mile run
then 4 rounds of .....
10 wall balls 20/14
1 Rope climb
800m Run
2 rounds of
10 wall Balls
1 Rope Climb
400m Run
1 round of
10 Wall Balls
1 Rope Climb

Accumilitive 75 GHD Situps or 150 Ab Mat Sit Ups
10 Evil Wheels or 10 SuperMans (with 3-5second hold) in between rests.

Friday 9/10
Back Squat
8x3 75%
Box Jump
8x3 AHAP

B) 4Rounds
25 Cal Row
25 Med Ball Cleans (w/slam balls) 30/20

Saturday  Wear your "Red White & Blue" in honor of Patriot Day!!!
Max Out Saturday!!!!
Pick a lift and PR/Max out or do volume/technique work on that lift.  If unsure about the lift to do consult with your expert/coach.

B) The "9-11"  Hero WOD – 1 Round
1 Mile Run
11 box jumps (36in/24in)
11 thrusters 125/85 pounds =125 deaths at The Pentagon)
11 burpee to chest to bar pull ups
11 power cleans 175/110 pounds= AA Flight #175, south tower)
11 hand stand push ups
11 kb swings (71/53)
11 toes to bars
11 deadlifts 175/110
11 push jerks 175/110 pounds 110= number of floors in each tower)
1 Mile Run

Sunday 9/11
11am Olympic Weightlifting Class

Monday, August 29, 2016

Next Monday is Labor day which means Holiday Schedule. 10am class only on Labor day.

Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 5x4
Static Hand Stand Hold 5x :30/:20

B) Ashley Ps bday wod "16.4"
13min cap
55 deadlifts 225/155
55 wall-ball shots20/14
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups

18 min to get AHAP
1 Clean
2 Front Squats
1 Jerk
6 Back Squats

15 Push Presses 95/65
12 Front Racked Reverse Lunges
9 pull ups

Bench Press 5x8-12
Pull Ups 5x3 "weighted if needed"

suicide sprint (flip cones) 1 time thru
10 TTB
1min rest
15 Situps (GHD where possible)
15 KBS 61/44
2 min rest (set up rowers & Barbells)
15 cal Row
10 Thrusters 95/65 (Partner up for this portion if needed)

Snatch Complex 15 Min to work up to heavy...
1 Hang Snatch pull
1 Hang Squat Snatch

B) "Fortitude" (Jose Corona's Bday WOD)
odd 15 Cal Row
even 15 Burpees

Front Squats5x3
Back Squats 5x3

B) 5 RFT
"mexican Jumping Beans"
10-8-6-4-2 Squat Cleans 155/105
100-80-60-40-20- Double Unders

Max Out Saturday!!!!

B) "lurong Living pre-challenge wod"
20 Stationary Lunges Overhead 95/65 or 75/55(Masters), 65/45 L2, L1Body Weight no bar.
15Toes to bar/Anchored toes to bar/ab mat sit ups
50 DUs/100Singles/50 singles

Weightlifting only 11am

10am class only due to Labor day open to both Crossfit and Bootcamp WOD TBD

Monday, August 22, 2016

Revised schedule effective 8/21/16

Current Schedule Effective August 21/2016. Many of you have requested a lifting class specifically to improve your technique and for those who want to lift heavier and or some time to focus on our sister box/south gate crossfit's weightlifting competitions in October and November your chance is now on Sunday's at 11am.   This is a limited program from now thru the month of September unless the demand for it persists in a way that we need to keep it.  

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym 
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Crossfit
630 Crossfit
730 Boot Camp/Crossfit Endurance

Tuesday5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym 
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Boot Camp/Functional Movement/Kettle Bell
630 Crossfit
730 Crossfit

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym 
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Crossfit
630 Crossfit
730 Boot Camp/Crossfit Endurance

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-12open Gym 
12pm Crossfit
1-430 Open Gym
430 Crossfit
530 Boot Camp/Functional Movement/Kettle Bell
630 Crossfit 
730 Crossfit 

5am Boot Camp/Crossfit Enurance
6am Crossfit
9am Crossfit
10-1230pm open Gym
430 Crossfit Competitors Training (Intermediate to Advanced Crossfit)
530 Crossfit
630 Crossfit

10am Crossfit
11am-12noon Open Gym 

Olympic weightlifting/open gym.   (This is a special class taught by the weightlifting guru Sean Garcia deguzman. First session is free after that it is $10 cash paid directly to coach Sean. This is open to members as well as non members of CF Lomita. 

Join our facebook group as Random Open Gym times do happen and may be posted by Staff.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Free event Saturday at 10am open to all! "Outlift"

A)Snatch work up to heavy snatch with 2 second pause at the bottom. 
Sled push 4x4
400m run
10 power snatches 135/75 
Amrap 12 (partner). Wod 2 of SGV throwdown
10 shoulder to OH 115/65
10 kb swings 53/26
10 box jumps
(Meanwhile partner rows for calories). Score is total calories and reps). 
B) kb Bulgarian squats 4x6
Chin ups 4x6
Bench press 4x6
Romanian deadlifts 4x6
(Rest 2-3 min between rounds not for time but move from movement to movement with little pause)
Go over movements and all from the ground have the class work up to appropriate weight.
For time. 4 separate wods. 5 minute cap on each. Minimum 1 minute of rest between wods. 
A) 20 back squats 115/65
20 back squats 135/80
20 back squats 165/105
B) 20 inclined push ups
30 HR push Ups
20 declined push ups 
C) 20 HPC 95/55
20 HPC 115/65
20 HPC 125/75
D) 20 strict pull ups
20 chest to bar
20 pull ups
E) remainder of class work from the rack on 3 rep max thruster. 
Work on HSPU and double unders as skills
B) 21, 15, 9
Deadlifts 225/155
1 minute forced rest then......
21, 15, 9
Toes to bar
Cal row
B) for time.
200 double unders
100 sit ups
100 double unders
50 sit ups
5x2 squat clean
2 front squats

B) 60 KB swings 53/35
45 burpees
75 wall balls
45 burpees
60 KB swings. 
"Out lift" free event
Partner wod
Hammer meets Randy
(One works at a time to complete entire wod)
5rounds of...
5 power cleans 135/95
10 front squats
5 jerks
20 pull ups
After 5 rounds......
75 power snatches 75/55
11am Olympic weightlifting

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Last day to sign up for our "Fat Loss Challenge" at $30 is Saturday the 20th, after that it will be $45.

Mobility!!!!!  Get to Class early, Leave late.  Work on your mobility.  If you need help please ask.  

20 Minutes to get heavy
2 Overhead Squats
1 Behind the neck Push Press
2 Front Racked Push Jerks
3 front pause squats

B)15 Overhead Squats 135/95
15 Pull Ups
15 Squat Snatches (Over head Squats newbies)
15 Pull Ups
15 Front Squats
15 Pull Ups
15 Squat Cleans (hang power Cleans Newbies)
15 Pull Ups

20 Min to Work up to a Heavy Sumo Deadlift Single
10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Practice DU's between Sets)

B) 3 RFT (Relay style when necessary due to rowers)
60 DU's (200 Singles)
30 Cal Row
15 DLs 225/155 (No more than 70% of ORM with proper form)

Power Cleans
Bench Press
4x10 (last set go to failure must have spotter for this set)

B) 5 rounds
5 Front Squats (you choose weight, should be with good form and yet challenging on last rep)
5 Strict Pull ups
5 Ring Dips
immediately followed by..........................
2Rounds of
20 Thrusters 95/65
20 Pull Ups (any)
20 Wall Balls
200 M Farmer Carry 61/44

Back Squats
KB Step Ups
6x4 Each leg AHAP

B) 3 Power Snatches 125/80
12 Burpees over bar
6 Power Snatches
9 Burpees over bar
9 Power Snatches
6 Burpees Over Bar

20 Min to work up to Heavy Complex of
1 Push Press
1 Push Jerk
1 Split Jerk

B) "Helton" (Hero Wod)
3Rounds of
30 KB Squat Cleans 44/26 (Med Ball Cleans for newbies 20/14)
30 Burpees
800m Run

Max Out Saturday!!!! Pick a Lift and either PR/Max out and or volume work. If you need help deciding on a proper lift to do please ask the coach.

B)Team of 2, 1 works at a time to combine to total prescribed reps/movements etc.
6 Rounds of Cindy
2 Rounds of DT 155/105
4 Rounds of Cindy
2 Rounds of DT
2 Rounds of Cindy
2 Rounds of DT

Sunday To Be announced

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Work up to Heavy Complex of: 1 Power Snatch 1 Squat Snatch
Super set with
Back Squats 5x6

B) Kaitlyn & Cameron
1st Year Anniversary Partner Wod
Relay Style.
3 Rounds
6 Front Squats135/95
500m Row
8 Pull Ups
8 Box Jumps
15 Sit Ups

C) Voluntary Accessory Work If Time or After class
Tabata on the Air Dyne and Or Core Movement Coaches call

Work up to Heavy Double Deadlift must be touch and go.

B) "The Chief"
5 Rounds of AMRAP 3
3 Power Cleans 135/95
6 HR Push Ups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1 Min at end of each 3 min round

C) Accessory Work
Either Work on Skill of Rope Climbs or Pull ups
Clean & Jerk find 1RM

B) EMOM 10
5 Front Squats for Max Load unbroken
10 HSPU (as many strict as possible for int/adv)

C) Work on Snatch as a skill or 1RM if you have time, space and ability.

Back Squat 1RM

B)Team of 3
(2 may work at a time accept for the row in which one works at a time. one team mate must be holding barbell in deadlift position or team mate can not row.)
90 Power Cleans 135/95
90 Burpees Over Bar
90 Cal Row

20 Minutes to do this C&J Complex AHAP
1 Power Clean
3 Front Squats
1 Jerk

20 Pull Ups
20 Weighted Sit Ups 30/20
20 Slam Balls 30/20

Max out Saturday 15 Min to get to a one RM or do volume work of the lift of yours/or coaches choice.

B) "31 Heroes"
Teams of 2 AMRAP 31
8 Thrusters 155/105
6 Rope Climbs
11 Box Jumps
(meanwhile one team mate is always doing a 400m Med ball run 14/10)
once the running athlete returns, they switch roles.

12, 9, 6
Squats Snatch 60-70% of ORM
Bench Press Body Weight/3 qrtrBW

B) 40, 30, 20, 10
Wall Balls 20/14
Double Unders