Lets get that endurance up a bit for Memorial day. also NO CLASS on Sunday the 29th as a forced rest day before Monday, and observance of Memorial day.
3-7 second Pause Back Squat 5x2
re rack then 2 Front Squats 5x2
"Hero Wod Victoria" on Canadian Victoria Day
10 Thrusters 95/65
14 Box Jumps 24/20
12 SDHP (Barbell)
12 Burpees
1 Clean & Jerk
(Goal is to get 1RM with good form, newbies do 3 C&J's EMOM and oldies do UP TO 3 C&Js to better warm up to 1RM)
B) With running clock min 0-10
1 mile run then max C&J's 135/95
forced rest min 10-12.
12-20 800m run then max power snatches 95/65.
Rest min 20-21, then....
Min 21-25 400m run then max Wall Balls 20/14
Score is total reps.
2 Hang Snatch High pulls from above knee (blocks if small enough class). then
1 Full Snatch work toward 1RM. PR if you can!
B) "1/2 Chelsea"
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
Deadlift 5x3
Bench Press 5x3
B) 21,15,9
Deadlifts 225/155
400 m med ball (14/10) run after each set.
OH Squats 5x3
Bent over rows 5x8
B) (Team of 2, one works at a time to combine to # of reps)
104 wall Balls 20/14
52 Pull Ups with a 7 minute cap, 2nd part of Wod starts at minute #8.....
4RFT both do the run/row. then one works at a time.
200m run
30 Sit ups
20 Pistols
10 Power Cleans 135/95
Max out Saturday pick a lift and PR! Newbies will be assigned requisite strength movements and given a 5x5.
B) "Isabel"
30 Snatches for time 135/95
(No Sunday Service in observance of Memorial day and forced rest day before Memorial Day Murph meets DT etc.
10 am class only-til the last person is done, staggered heats will be done if necessary.
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