Sunday, May 22, 2016

Memorial Day Murph, Murph Meets DT, DT all available on Memorial Day. NO SUNDAY class this week in observance Memorial day and a forced rest day before Monda's brutality.

Lets get that endurance up a bit for Memorial day.  also NO CLASS on Sunday the 29th as a forced rest day before Monday, and observance of Memorial day.

3-7 second Pause Back Squat 5x2
re rack then 2 Front Squats 5x2

"Hero Wod Victoria" on Canadian Victoria Day
10 Thrusters 95/65
14 Box Jumps 24/20
12 SDHP (Barbell)
12 Burpees
27 KB Swings 53/35

1 Clean & Jerk
(Goal is to get 1RM with good form, newbies do 3 C&J's EMOM and oldies do UP TO 3 C&Js to better warm up to 1RM)

B) With running clock min 0-10
1 mile run then max C&J's 135/95
forced rest min 10-12.
12-20 800m run then max power snatches 95/65.
Rest min 20-21, then....
Min 21-25 400m run then max Wall Balls 20/14

Score is total reps.

2 Hang Snatch High pulls from above knee (blocks if small enough class). then
1 Full Snatch work toward 1RM. PR if you can!

B) "1/2 Chelsea"
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats

Deadlift 5x3
Bench Press 5x3

B) 21,15,9
Deadlifts 225/155
400 m med ball (14/10) run after each set.

OH Squats 5x3
Bent over rows 5x8

B) (Team of 2, one works at a time to combine to # of reps)
104 wall Balls 20/14
52 Pull Ups with a 7 minute cap, 2nd part of Wod starts at minute #8.....
4RFT both do the run/row. then one works at a time.
200m run
30 Sit ups
20 Pistols
10 Power Cleans 135/95

Max out Saturday pick a lift and PR! Newbies will be assigned requisite strength movements and given a 5x5.

B) "Isabel"
30 Snatches for time 135/95

(No Sunday Service in observance of Memorial day and forced rest day before Memorial Day Murph meets DT etc.

10 am class only-til the last person is done, staggered heats will be done if necessary.

Memorial Day Murph, Murph Meets DT, DT, pick your poison and/or the poison will be assigned to you based on ability. Partner versions also available. Murph Variataions (Full, Partner or half Murph) can be done by both Boot Camp and Crossfit Athletes.

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