Snatch 3x1 @up to 60-70%
5x1 up to 85%
3x1 up to 75-80%
B) 3 RFT
15 Deadlifts 135/95
30 Wall Balls
60 Double Unders (150 Singles)
C) Back Squats 2x10
3 RFT Teams of 2 relay
300m Row
200m Run
15 Ball Slams 30/20
15 Box Jumps 24/20
B) EMOM 10
Odd 10 TTB
Even: 10 Thrusters 95/65
C) Bench Press 3x8
Chin ups 3x6
Power Clean
3x3 of 3 Position Power Cleans Work your way up.
Pos 1: High Hang (Pockets)
Pos 2: Hang Above Knee
Pos 3: Mid Shin/Ground if plates
B) EMOM 10
Odd: 1 Power Clean & Jerk @70% of ORM
10 Double Unders (20 Singles)
Even: Cal Row 18/15
2 KB Snatches/KB Pulls who don't have the KB Snatch yet (1 each side always alternating). 53/35
1Shuttle run
4 KB Snatches
2Shuttle Runs
KB Snatches always go up by 2 and shuttle run always goes up by 1.til 6 Min is done.
Front Squats 5x4
Hamstring Curls (Med Ball) 4x5
B) EMOM 18
Minute 1: 200m Run
Minute 2: Cal Row 15/12
Minute 3: 5 Power Cleans 135/95 plus 15 Double Unders
25 Burpees
400m Run
20 Sit Ups
200m Run w/one kettle bell 53/35 only one hand at a time equal distance.
15 Pull ups
400m Med Ball Run
10 Wall Balls
B) Strategy & Go Over Skills of 16.2
C). 1 RFT
21 Cal Row
30 KB Swings 53/35
15 Hand Stand Push ups
30 KB Swings
21 Cal Row
D Mobility
16.2 To Be Determined 9am-?
Sunday Service 9-11am 2 hours of Crossfit.